Emission factors are coefficients that quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or removals...
On April 2-4, 2013, the Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership convened a regional workshop at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) headquarters in Manila, Philippines to exchange knowledge and lessons learned learn about financing low-carbon, climate-resilient growth in Asia. The event, entitled “Preparing for Scaled-up Climate Financing: New Business Opportunities for Green Growth,” was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), ADB, and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). More than 100 participants attended from 12 developing Asian country governments, multilateral and bilateral development finance institutions (DFIs), private sector banks, investment funds, and others organizations involved in promoting green growth. The diverse mix of public and private sector participants served as a unique and defining element of the workshop.
To download the report, click on the link below. And watch the video below that provides highlights of interviews with experts at the workshop.