Emission factors are coefficients that quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or removals...
October 26, 2015 - The USAID LEAD program is seeking individuals interested in serving as a coordinator for program activities related to carbon stock assessment of forested wetlands in Cambodia.
Since 2013 the USAID LEAD program, in partnership with the US Forest Service, has worked with the Government of Cambodia to build capacity in carbon accounting in mangroves. The consultant will be the main point of contact for coordination purposes for the remaining forested wetlands activities in Cambodia. S/he will be responsible for liaising with relevant stakeholders, especially the Royal Government of Cambodia, supporting logistics arrangements (e.g., translation), and ensuring smooth implementation of activities.
To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume by email to LEADProgram@icfi.com using the subject "Forested Wetlands Coordinator".
Download the full position description here.
Submissions received after November 6, 2015 will not be considered.